How to Install Mattermost on Debian 12

How to Install Mattermost on Debian 12

An open-source messaging system, Mattermost provides a secure and flexible chat service with features like file sharing, a search function, and integrations. With its user-friendly interface, Mattermost is easy to use and is becoming more popular. It is a no-cost substitute for platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and similar services. This tutorial will show you how to install Mattermost on Debian 12.

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How to Install Git on Ubuntu 24.04

How to Install Git on Ubuntu 24.04

Welcome to this tutorial on how to install Git on Ubuntu 24.04. Git is a tool that helps you keep track of changes in your files and projects, making it easier to manage your work. It’s secure and widely used by many people to organize their code and projects. While Git often comes pre-installed on Ubuntu 24.04, you might need to install a specific version yourself. This guide will take you through installing Git on your Ubuntu hosting of choice in a few simple steps.

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What is Docker and Kubernetes?

What is Docker and Kubernetes?

Containerization is a form of virtualization in which applications operate within isolated user spaces, referred to as containers, while utilizing a shared operating system (OS). One of the advantages of containerization is that containers are self-contained and can be seamlessly transferred to different computing environments. Many web developers containerize everything nowadays. In this article, we explain what is Docker and Kubernetes.

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How to Install Docker on Ubuntu 24.04

How to Install Docker on Ubuntu

In this tutorial, we are going to explain how to install Docker on Ubuntu 24.04 OS. Docker is an open-source platform for running, developing, and shipping applications. Docker delivers the software in packages called containers. The advantage of the docker containers is that the developer can reduce the delay between the production and testing environment. Also, the applications can work efficiently in isolation and different environments. The software that hosts the containers is called Docker Engine.

Installing Docker is a straightforward process and may take up to 10 minutes. Let’s get started!

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How to Install Jenkins on Ubuntu 24.04

How to Install Jenkins on Ubuntu 24.04

In this blog, we will show you how to install Jenkins on Ubuntu 24.04 OS. Jenkins is an open-source automation server developed to automate software development procedures such as building, testing, and deploying the application. Jenkins is written in Java and it runs in servlet containers such as Apache Tomcat. There are many features and plugins offered by this software such as CI/CD, GIT, SSH Build Agents, email extensions, etc. All these plugins and many others are installed very easily in the installation process of Jenkins.

The process to Install Jenkins on Ubuntu 24.04 is a straightforward process that may take up to 10 minutes. Let’s get started!

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How to Install Node on Ubuntu 24.04

How to Install Node on Ubuntu 24.04

Node or NodeJS, a popular open-source JavaScript runtime environment, is a key tool for web developers. It’s commonly used to enhance web app functionality or create local development environments. It is an environment that enables web developers to write JavaScript that interacts with various parts of the outside world other than the browser. In this tutorial, you will be guided on how to install Node on Ubuntu 24.04 using the default repository and NodeSource. You will also get to learn how to install a specific version of Node using NVM.

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How to Install Python on Ubuntu 24.04

How to Install Python on Ubuntu 24.04

In this tutorial, we are going to explain how to install Python on Ubuntu 24.04 OS. Python is a high-level programming language that offers hundreds of libraries for building web applications and use in machine learning. It supports multiple programming paradigms such as structural, functional, and object-oriented programming. The Python programming language offers many features such as security updates, frameworks, integration with other programming languages, ease of use, etc. The latest Python version is Python 3.12 at the moment we are writing this tutorial.

The installation will be done with different methods and take a few minutes. Let’s get started!

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